Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas starts

so tonight our youth ministry is going over the Christmas story. it should be fun. there is a cool trivia about Christmas around the world, stupid facts that i always seem to stumble on, and a message on business. we are looking at lessons learned from the innkeeper and the shepherds. God chose to speak to the only ones who had the time to listen. everyone else was busy with their own lives. God comes and speaks to those who have time to hear.

I was thinking about the multitude of angels that the shepherds saw. it was probably the most amazing thing mankind has ever witnessed, millions of angels all singing in perfect harmony lighting up the sky. a few lowly shepherds got to see it. all because they had time.

sometimes in ministry you are made to feel guilty if you are not busy busy. If you are not busy then you are lazy, is most pastors mottos. sad. we should most definently NOT be lazy, but we are also not to be so full of ourselves that we miss opportunity to hear from God. I met a youth pstor in our area a while back, and he could not stop talking about himself, all he does for God. He didn't ever once try to connect with me, he was living life in a hurry, like a stone skipping across a pond.

maybe if we slow down a bit to hear from God, we won't miss out on what he is doing and saying.

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