Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Story of Stuff

HT: MarkO

I spent 20 minutes watching this video [click here]. It was worth every second. I highly advise anyone to watch it and then watch it with your kids.

This video takes you into the system we call consumerism, and how it is destroying us and our world. Wow, really eye opening. Watch it, you won't regret it.


Anonymous said...

Are you actually just taking this lady's word for it? I could barely stomach watching the whole video. Right from the start her assumptions are wrong. It is not the governments job to take care of us or look out for us, nor should it be. Also, she infers that private enterprise is evil. Just where would we be if the government took care of us and there was no private enterprise?Communist Russia. I remember seeing the effects of communism in the former Soviet Union and the joy of the people when it fell. I'll pass on taking that road, thank you very much. She also complains about how much money goes into the military. Maybe she doesn't realize that that is why she has the freedom to complain and say stupid things. Speaking of tax dollars at work, how about all the money that goes into government programs that actually encourage people to stay on government assistance instead of being self reliant. I'm all for giving someone a hand up, I just don't agree with hand outs. I'm not saying that the system isn't flawed or that we can't do things better, but this video is a very one-sided view of the process. There are way too many issues to address, but one would be the environment. She throws out all these statistics about consumption but fails to give the statistics for the resources being renewed and/or recycled. Don't you realize that when trees are cut down they are replanted? You may think big business is greedy but you can't think they are stupid. For example, if mills don't replant trees they don't have new raw material(besides the fact that there are laws that require them to). Also, about 88% of all steel products and nearly 100% of steel that is used in beams and plates in construction, are recycled into new steel products at the end of their useful life. I know, I know, she says recycling isn't enough, but she also thinks that we are causing global warming, which is a well documented myth, so I'll just leave it at that. Also, when she talks about what coporations are doing in/to other countries, she fails to mention that we do have laws in place regarding how things are produced in other countries. And anyone who doesn't abide by them is not allowed to import their products into the US. It's great to be concerned with being a good steward of the planet, just make sure you are a well informed one.

tom rundel said...

My main concern was with the golden arrow, and how we worship it here is America, and with the endless cycle of working, marketing, and shopping to find our fulfillment.