Thursday, March 12, 2009

N.T. Wright is my Hero (kinda)

I know that N.T. can be a bit wordy, a bit stuffy, and a bit overwhelming informationally, but I love to listen to his messages. I have to listen to them 3 times just to figure out what he is saying, and then I have to listen to them 5 times to sort out all the information, but I love it. One of my spiritual disciplines that connect me to God is the study, in depth, get into the Greek, get into the History, get into the Theology study.

One of the reasons is the fact that I love angles. I love to look at the gems of scripture at a different angle and see how it reflects the light in a new way. Same light, same gem, different angle. N.T. provides some historical perspectives that really get me looking at the scriptures from some more angles.

When I deliver a message, I try to have as much information on the subject as I can fit into my head, and then communicate one idea at 3 or 4 angles. Having the information in my head gives me the confidence to speak. One of the dangers of being too informational is losing people, people who don't care about history or Greek or Theology. But if you can provide many angles on the same subject, a subject that matters to real people in real life, in one sermon, the chances of losing people diminish, and you get to communicate to the differing levels of maturity in the room. Someone may have heard a sermon on this parable thirty times already and immediately shut it down with, "Oh, I've heard this before." Even if they are not practicing or applying the parable. Love your neighbor. We've heard that fifty billion times, but sometimes it takes a different angle to get us to think about it again and then re-apply the message.

You can check out some of his MP3's here

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