Friday, November 04, 2005

Christians scare me

Have you ever noticed that Christians can be the most prideful people on the planet? Funny, we are the ones who preach humility, deny your self and pick up your cross, be humble before God and all.

But when it comes to our interactions with the un-churched, we well up with the "I'm so right about everything" pride. Everything you do is wrong, everything you listen to or watch or drink or eat is wrong. Clean yourself and come to God. That seems to be the attitude of many Christians. Sounds familiar, from the New Testament, no not Jesus. Try the Pharisees. We all know how successful they were. Its not a very effective tool for evangelism.

Why do we get so offended when a sinner sins? What do you expect! They are called sinners for a reason. Jesus said that we would be a people that did not offend easy. We hear about a couple living together out of wedlock and we get so offended, or a teenager using drugs or sexually active. Are these actions wrong? Yep. What should we do about it? Love and speak God's truth to them. Forget getting offended all the time, it does no good to you, or to them.

What will do a load of good is to look past the sin, to the person hurting and filling their life with something to fill the void, and love them exactly where they are at, for who they are. We are always preaching that God does it. We are God's impersonators here on earth, what they see in us they credit to God, good or bad.

Lesson of the day: Love speaks louder than piety

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