Friday, June 08, 2007

Great Lunch at BWW

Today I drove to East Lansing to have lunch with a fellow youth pastor. It was a great refreshment to talk youth ministry with someone in the area. It was like a mental jump start for me. I have had questions rolling around in my head for a while now, and talking things through with another youth pastor in my area really helped me.

He was a great guy, and we really clicked. We talked for about 2 hours, and I feel recharged. I have a lot of new ideas, and thoughts to roll around in my head and get together with our adult leaders to bring to life.

Funny story, on the way home, I went the wrong way on the highway and didn't realize it until 20 minutes later. I was on the phone chatting with some students having fun, and hot realizing I was headed in the wrong direction. That's life for ya.

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