Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mother Teresa

I am going to be reading Mother Teresa, In My Own Words, an autobiography of her life as soon as I am done with the three books I am reading now, but on the outside cover of the book is a quote that hit me hard today:

"If we were humble, nothing would change us--neither praise nor discouragement. If someone were to criticize us, we would not feel discouraged. If someone were to praise us, we would not feel proud." -Mother Teresa

Usually we think that pride is a sense of thinking lowly of yourself or thinking that you are dirt, but that I think is more of depression that humility. I think this quote brings it into perspective quite well. And I also realized that Wow, I am not humble at all. I am good at pretending that I am, but according to this quote, I am far from being humble. I still feel the discouragement and pride that comes with praise and criticism. I have so much to work on in my life, I am far from who I need to be.

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