Monday, February 02, 2009

Guatemala Trip 2009

If the world had 100 people in it. from John Chow on Vimeo.

This video really makes you think about how blessed we are.
The part that struck me was "If you keep your food in a fridge, clothes in a closet and sleep in a bed and have a roof over your head, you are richer than 75% of the rest of the world.

I did a message this past week on blessed are the poor, and there were people saying, "Well I must be blessed, because I am poor." Not when you place things in proper perspective.

We are going to Guatemala this year for a missions trip, we will see people who have no fridge, bed, or closet, and the roof over their head is corrugated tin. The house that they live in is as big as my kitchen, and 15 people live there.

We go down not to stoop down and help out the poor little people in Guatemala, but we are going down to take part in the HOLY privilege of serving the people that Jesus identified himself with.

"If you do it for the least of these, you do it for me." Working with the poor is a privilege that we get to do and by serving the poor in this way, somehow, we are serving Christ himself. When we build a home, we are sheltering Christ. When we give a family a dozen eggs, we are feeding Christ.

Read Matthew 25:31-46

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are so blessed to live in the US