Friday, October 09, 2009

Busy Schedule

I have been a bit too busy to post much. Things going on:

1. Teaching on a weekly basis on the book of Ephesians
2. Playing guitar in worship band
3. Renovating our youth program
4. Preparing for Guatemala 2010
5. Writing sermon series for November
6. Hunting
7. Masters Degree in Spiritual Formation
8. Getting the home ready for winter

That is off the top of my head.

I am going to have to live what I teach here soon. I always ask, "Is this pace sustainable?" If the answer is no, then I have to ask a very important question, "How will it end?"

There are two options:
1. I choose to slow down to a pace I can sustain
2. Life slows my pace down for me i.e. sickness, burnout, etc...

I believe that there are seasons in which busyness will happen. But I also believe that busyness should not be the normal.

Just some thoughts before I go to bed.

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