Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Are We Comfy?

I think that reading the Bible can really mess you up. In a good way. We as humans get set in our ways of thinking and doing that we leave out God in the way we live. We become comfortable and complacent and unchanging. We set up our world views and sprinkle a bit of God on top for some flavor. We then put down our Bible, stay away from church, (or find one that does not challenge us to change) and get settled into a way of living that we really like and are comfortable with, and keep God at arms length, so to keep our comfy bubble in tact.

Then you read the Bible and God takes your comfy complacent life and turns it on its head. You read passages and sections that really challenge the way we have set up our bubbles. We see where we need to change and how we need to change, and then one of two things happen, we do or do not. The book of James says it kind of like looking into a mirror and seeing a big zit on your nose and walking away without taking care of things. I think it looks like us sitting on the couch with our Doritos, and the toilet is running, we hear it, we know that it is running our water bill up, but we really like sitting in this chair.

I know that I have been there, and I am trying to change still. God brings things to my attention, and sometimes it is easier to stay on the couch than get up and jiggle the handle. I think that we often turn faith into a spectator sport, when it is meant to be lived out. It is not a sitting down, but a confronting of God, and confronting your self as well. Your faith should transform you more into who God created you to be. To deny your faith and sit on the couch is to deny who you were made to be, to deny yourself real life. It is within the power of the man who sits on the E-Z Chair and watches a game to participate. It is within the power of the man who participates to sit in the E-Z Chair and watch. The difference between the two is initiative.

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