Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Awesome Conversation

I just called up one of the graduates from our ministry who went away to college to see how he was doing. You never know what you will hear. Some people go nuts at college and abandon faith and God and some put faith on hold while they do this college thing first. But then there are others who do not do that, but continue on with their faith.

I called this person up not knowing what to expect, and I asked the point blank question, after some conversation,

me: "How are your connections to God now that you are away at college?"
him: "They are dong good, I still read that devotional book every day [that I got for baccalaureate]
me: "awesome!"
him: "And I go to bed with my Bible next to my bed every night, and I try to pray."
me: "That's really cool, so you do all this stuff, do you feel that you have a connection to God out there in college?"
him: "Oh yeah, not to sound lame, but its kind of lonely out here, and when I read or pray, I get a feeling that I am not alone, that he is here with me."

Wow, what an uplifting conversation. I am crying right now remembering about it. I have to go get a tissue.

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