Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Book Review: The Road

I was given this book on the bus ride to Chicago for our missions trip. I read half the way down, and the other half the way back.

This book is about post apocalyptic America. Some great nuclear event has happened and wiped out life as we know it. Now if you are going to write this off as some cheesy sci-fi book, you are wrong. This book won the Pulitzer Prize this year. No cheese here.

The story follows a dad (referred to as "the man") and his young son (referred to as "the boy") as they try to reach the southern coast scavenging for food and dodging the "bad guys" who are along the road as well.

I warn you now, this book is very dark and bleak. It is a picture of what evil humankind is capable of. It shows the very dark side of our sinful and fallen nature. There are the bad guys who have no regard for any one else but self survival. (a great picture of selfishness).

The thing that gets you through the darkness of this book is the wonderful relationship the man has with his son. It shows the very best that humankind is capable of as well. This was the best novel I have read all year. Maybe one of the best books I have read all year. It is far more than entertainment reading, it is a read that inspires and also a read that sheds light on what it means to be truly human, and what it means to be inhuman.

I recommend that you read this book. Go to the library and get it, or buy it from amazon or something, but you really should read this book.

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