Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Love Netflix!

we have had netflix for about a year now, and i love it. i can never find anything at the movie store. we can literally spend an hour and a half in there and never find anything, and honestly i am not interested in many of the new releases. there is something about many of the newer movies coming out that i just don't like. not all of them, just alot of them. they are boring and predictable. all movies have "content" you need to include if you want to hit certain audiences. as long as you know the audience that the movie is aimed at, you can predict the plot and even the jokes. it is all so boring to me. i think that is why i am liking the classic movies. when i say classic i don't mean 1980, i mean 1930 to 1949. there are some newer movies out there that i do enjoy, ones that aren't marketed to audiences, but are expressions of a directors artistic ability.

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