Friday, January 19, 2007

movie review: dial m for murder

I love Alfred Hitchcock. He is genius. One of my pet peeves is the Oscars. Who are the high and mighty that get to choose the best directors and actors and movies? It's all a bunch of politics. They don't actually pick the best talent, just the best choice politically for the year. For instance, Alfred is considered the most amazing director of all time, most innovative, most creative, and he never won best director.

Well, this is one of his more famous movies, and I loved it. A rich woman is cheating on her husband, the husband finds out and plots to kill her to take her money, because he is very accustomed to living rich, so he hires a guy to murder her ***spoiler*** so the hired guy boches up the job and gets murdered by the wife, and the husband is then in a jam! So he tries to frame his wife for murdering the man by saying that he was blackmailing her with the information of the adultery. It gets really twisty at the end, and is a great great movie. Watch it.

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