Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nolan Levi : Day Three

Day 3: I slept through most of the morning, but not night. Nolan was up every few hours. Oh cool, I can hear church bells ringing right now. I got a 4 hour stretch of pretty much uninterrupted sleep between 5 and 9, and then I was up, ate breakfast, and cleaned the room. This stay has been a welcomed boring one. The pediatrician just came in and gave a good report. There has been no scare of defects or anything. So this is what normal is like. I like it. I like this boring, normal, nothing out of the ordinary hospital stay.

Nolan on the other hand is not boring. He is the cutest little guy. He makes cooing noises while he sleeps. He does not really cry still, he whines when he wants something. He did cry, however, last night while we gave him his first bath. He did not like that at all. Being wet and cold is not his favorite thing.

We have a few visitors coming up today. One of the pastors of our church, Ken, will be here, and Pam, an amazing adult leader from our youth ministry will be here too. I get excited when I get to show off my boy. Kara’s mom will be up here too with Isaac. Pam is going to drop by the house and pick them up to bring them here. She is so great.

Kara was up and around for the first time today, she took a shower. She was not allowed up yesterday, but the doctor came in today and said that we could go home tomorrow and that Kara can have her catheter and I.V. removed and walk around.

O yeah, Nolan will be circumcised tomorrow. I feel bad for the little guy, but as least he won’t remember it.

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