Monday, April 23, 2007

Nolan Levi : Day Two

(The following was written on Saturday)

My goodness can my kid belch! Wow. He makes these cute cooing noises as he sleeps, kind of like a sigh, but really, really cute. Kara has nicknamed him “squeaker.” We had an alright night, not bad actually, for the first night with a newborn. He barely cries at all. I am hoping that this is a personality thing. He is calm, quiet, mellow, and sleepy. Let’s hope it lasts. I feel pretty tired, but I don’t feel miserable at all.

We had family stop by today, my mom and dad, and Josh and Jessica my younger brother and sister. They were not able to be here for the birth, so this is the first time that they got to see Nolan. They just melted over him. I can see why, he is so cute. Also Kara’s parents, who are staying at our house watching Isaac, came up again. They brought Isaac. He is still unsure about Nolan, but when he went home last night, all he talked about was Nolan. So I think that he is excited, yet intimidated.

Some friends from church came by today to see Nolan. Chris works at the GR press and he brought Beth his wife, the woman who single handedly runs our entire youth café, and their daughter Sarah, whom Isaac loves. She will chase Isaac around on Wednesday nights as we clean things up. She got to hold Nolan (after much persuasion).

Right now all the family is in the cafeteria, and the “Little Pudge”, as I have so named him, is learning how to eat. He is one gassy fella. I made sure to take pictures of Isaac as well, so he does not feel that all the attention is being sent to Nolan. My mom also brought him a gift bag too. That was really nice, and he loved playing with it.

Kara is doing well, the doctor came in today to check on us and told us that she is to stay in bed today, because of the bleeding she was experiencing during the operation. We think that we will be going home on Monday. Until then, we wait, and rest, and get to know our new baby boy.

The family has gone home, and we are here alone with our boy. It still seems surreal. I think that feeling will wear off when we get him home. He still mostly sleeps. Kara is trying to wake him to eat, but it is not working, he is out like a light.

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