Sunday, January 07, 2007

Thoughts On My Dad

Ten Words that Describe my Dad

10. Dedicated

9. Loving

8. Helpful

7. Giving

6. Tireless

5. Compassionate

4. Godly

3. Humble

2. Fun

1. Example

I have been thinking a lot about my dad lately. I think about him a lot as is, but lately it has been more than the usual. I had a few memories that have popped into my head:

Most Fun: Probably the most fun I have had with my dad was building the apartment in his basement that Kara and I lived in for two years. I had to finish school and keep a crummy job for the insurance, and Kara was pregnant and working. So on the weekends we built this two bedroom apartment in their basement in Fowlerville. I distinctly remember numerous times we lost the hammer we had just had our hands on (we are both really forgetful that way) and laughing so hard we cried at a stupid joke about carpet tacks and a swingset.

Most Painful: Probably the most painful memory that I share with my dad was when Elijah was born, we knew that God could do a miracle, but were not sure that he would do it. I remember a whole lot of family gathered in the waiting room, Elijah was just born with anencephaly, and we wanted Isaac to meet his brother before he passed, so I went to the waiting room to get him. My dad was there and he looked at me with expectant eyes. I remember wanting to be able to give him good news, but being unable to.

Most Inspired: The most my dad inspired me was all through life watching him love my mom. That is a rare thing to see these days, but not for me. I got to grow up watching my parents love each other, and love their God.

So all in all, I got a good deal when God gave me to my parents. Thanks Dad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are blessed to have such a wonderful parents. Not everyone gets to see parents that love each other.