Monday, May 21, 2007

I Did It

Today, I went out and ran. It was killer. It hurt, it made me dizzy, it made me nauseous. but I did it. I made the decision to run yesterday when I found out that my BMI was in the overweight category.

My BMI is around 27, and you want it to be somewhere between 18 and 25 (unless you are buff like Dave) It does not take into account muscle mass. But considering that I do not have muscle mass, I am going to trust this chart.

So this morning I woke up, got my stuff together, leashed up my Dog and ran. I didn't do too well. I am really out of shape. But I will run again on Wednesday.


Unknown said...

I just want to be a stud like Raitz.

Jason Raitz said...

Dave...I just want to be like Jesus.

Tom...Way to go!!