Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mark Yaconelli Quote

What are churches looking for in a youth pastor? According to a survey from Claremont School of Theology they want a "20-something, attractive, guitar playing, charismatic, youth savvy, hip, hard working, van-driving, free-spirited, denominationally loyal, Jesus loving, Bible carrying, old people friendly, faith filled, fiscally responsible youth leader (preferably male with decorative facial hair and a mountain bike strapped to the top of his car roof -- or if he is unavailable, a spunky, to die for, fashion conscious female who will cry once on youth sundays and twice on summer missions trips).

Lets disect this and see if I meet the standards of most churches for youth pastor:
20-something: not for much longer, I turn 29 this year.
attractive: maybe to my wife
guitar playing: can't sing, so I can't lead worship
charismatic: HA! more like dork
youth savvy: I hate their music, the lyrics irritate me
hip: ummm... yeah I shall refer you to the dork comment from above
hard working: In the popular sense of keepinng office hours, waking before dawn...um no
van-driving: I had an incident with 14 Jr. Highers and some ice on the road
free-spirited: nope. I am self-conscious, and a dork
denominationally loyal: I serve at a NON-denominational church thank God
Jesus loving: yes
Bible carrying: If I have my backpack
old people friendly: I LOVE OLD PEOPLE!! (senior citizens sorry)
faith filled: sometimes
fiscally responsible: trying

So I meet two of those requirements. (unless you count the decorative facial hair that changes every few months.) How bout you?

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